Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Red Dress Mentality

Maybe, it's the ocean air, maybe it's the new environment, but something about this side of the world makes me think about my life in a much broader, brighter way. I have a fair amount of Uni work but I think about it in a very relaxed, realistic manner. I know I will finish it, I know I will study hard when the time calls for it, but I also know that the amount of effort I put into it will dictate it's successfulness. So if I really want something to happen, then it's entirely up to me. I always knew that, but it seems much more apparent to me here.

Actually, I think that's what it is about this place - clarity and independence. That's what I have here. So I can't complain about not having a huge group of friends because I haven't joined a million clubs or gone out every night trying to meet new people. And I'm okay with that because I'm still happy and exerting myself as much as I can. Well that's not exactly true, Charlotte and I made a pact that from now on we would be a little bit more adventurous. And that's not to say I haven't been adventurous (as my other posts show - I have been!) but personally, I know that I could be doing more. Not that there isn't a rush from new experiences any more but I have noticed myself become a little more timid compared to when the plane just landed and I was running around like crazy. But maybe that's just how things are, I'm settled in, I know my role a little more, and I've gotten comfortable.

But I'm ready to get uncomfortable. That might sound wrong, but I think you know what I mean. I'm ready to live up to the plaque I once had in my room at Conn that said, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." I've noticed a lot of people around me not quite doing that, still not taking advantage of everything around them. And I don't like that, and that's not me, so I have to make a change. I'm going to be more proactive because it's already mid-semester break, about half way done!

This realization seems to have come at the perfect timing. Tomorrow I leave for the Great Barrier Reef and my crazy club hostel. I can only hope that I don't take what I'm saying TOO seriously because I just have this horrible image of myself up on a stage, covered in foam, yelling something obnoxious into the crowd - or worse, singing! But no, I will control myself with the utmost dignity! With maybe just a little fun...

But in any event, I must get back to researching doping in Australian cycling (surprisingly interesting!)...and then there's a mid-semester party for the whole campus later tonight which should be a good time. So ta ta for now, I miss you all from home - sending my wishes, xoxo as the summer comes to an end and my summer begins ...hehe.


"I got my red dress on tonight
Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight
Got my hair up real big beauty queen style
High heels off, I'm feeling alive

Oh, my God, I feel it in the air

Telephone wires above all sizzling like your stare
Honey I'm on fire I feel it everywhere
Nothing scares me anymore" 

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