Thursday, December 27, 2012

Goodbyes and Welcomes

On November 14th, 2012, the last week of the best semester of my entire college experience, it occurred to me that I wasn't quite done with Australia. After most of my study abroad friends left, after I moved out of my apartment, and after classes were finished, living there was a little eerie. i was still in the same places, but not living my old life anymore. Coogee beach felt a little different and buying gatorades at the convenience store at 3am on Arden street just didn't feel the same. So for about a week i was in a weird in-between stage in my life, which eventually led to my final decision to stay in Australia. I came to the conclusion that since i already had taken the semester off from connecticut college and didn't have any commitments back home, that i would stay where i was and make sure i got the most out of the country that i had grown to love so dearly. And a shout-out and thanks to Alex Haigis for spending that last week with me, the girl who loved this place almost more than me but couldn't stay, I wish you were still here, we wish you were still here!!!
The day we all moved out, from the left: Dana, my roommate; me, and Alex. 

 Our room, farewell you uncomfortable beds!!

Evening walkway in Coogee, one of the last nights. 

New Zealand was spectacular, a few sentences wouldn't even begin to do it justice. Nell and I had such a great time hiking, camping, hitch-hiking, meeting travellers, being in Wellington the day "The Hobbit" premiered, meeting up with my Aussie friends, and overall just feeling ALIVE AND YOUNG! Here's a photo of us in Tongaririo National Park with the Emerald and Blue Lakes in the distance. 

After three and half weeks backpacking, I returned to Australia. And when I walked through the arrivals gate in Sydney, I did feel like I was coming home. 

Final photo of me on Christmas Eve, Santa costume, 6am morning surf! 

And just so that my parents can sleep at night: I will be coming home to the Berkshires, Happy New Year, I love you, and I miss you more than I may let on. xxxx

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